Privacy Statement

The protection of your privacy is very important to us. We process your personal data only in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR) and other statutory privacy regulations, including but not limited to the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). Of course, all data will be treated as confidential. With this privacy statement, we would like to inform you in detail about what happens with your data when you use our website.


1. General information about the collection of personal data

As a matter of principle, the collection, processing and use of personal data related to the use of our web presence is limited to the required scope and the required data. ‘Personal data’ means any information from which you may be personally identified, such as name, address, email addresses, and/or user behavior. In addition, our website uses encrypted communication under the widespread SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol in combination with the highest level of encryption supported by your web browser. As a rule, this will be a 256 bit encryption. If your browser does not support 256 bit encryption, we fall back on 128 bit v3-technology. Where an individual page of our website is transmitted in encrypted form, this is indicated by a closed key or lock symbol in the status bar of your browser.

We also use suitable technical and organizational safeguards to protect your data against accidental or intentional manipulation, partial or complete loss or destruction or against unauthorized access by third parties. Our safeguards are continously improved to follow the technological development.


1.1 Controller

The controller for the collection, processing and use of your personal data according to Article 4(7) GDPR is:

Gögginger Straße 73
86159 Augsburg
Management: Dr. Alexander Sagel (Chairman), Anja Mänz-Siebje, Dr. Emmerich Schiller
Email: Contact Form
Phone: + 49 821 5700-0
Fax: + 49 821 5700-460


1.2 Data Protection Officer

You can reach the data protection officer of RENK GmbH under the following contact details:

Data Protection Officer of the RENK Group
Goegginger Straße 73
86159 Augsburg

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 821 5700 0

2. Purposes of and legal basis for the processing of your personal data and further information on the specific processing of data

2.1 General processing of data of our business partners

2.1.1 Description and scope of the data processing

For handling the business relationships with our business partners (customers, suppliers, other business partners), we also store personal data from you (e.g. email address, postal address, phone number, etc.). The personal data collected in this context are used internally by the departments concerned with the handling of the business relationship.

These data may be merged and stored with data from other orders, inquiries or business correspondence you communicate to us through other channels (fax, letter, phone, etc.).

2.1.2 Purposes of the data processing

We process your personal data for the purposes as required to accomplish the business relationship between you and us, e.g. for the purposes indicated below:

    • preparation of offers for customers concerning supplies and services
    • determination of your specific prices
    • internal processing of our order
    • delivery of the ordered articles
    • inquiries with our suppliers
    • contract negotiations
    • clarification of all technical/engineering aspects of the products and services related to the business relationship
    • payment transactions
    • general business correspondence with you.

Where required, we also avail ourselves of the help of service providers (e.g. logistics service providers for the shipment of products, banks for the handling of payments). We will only pass on your data to such third parties to the extent necessary for the performance of these tasks.

Our legitimate interest in using external service providers such as logistics service providers for the shipment of the articles ordered by you is to provide our services as efficiently and effectively and hence as quickly and as economically for you as possible. All third parties receiving personal data about our business partners have been obligated to comply with the privacy regulations.

We reserve the right to pass on your personal data to external service providers for the performance of a credit assessment in order to safeguard our legitimate interest in securing our accounts receivable. From these credit agencies, we receive information about your payment history and credit ratings. These data allow us to evaluate our business relationship and are used by us in the decision about a supply and for our protection against payment defaults.

2.1.3 Legal basis for the data processing

The legal basis for our processing of your data is established by points (a) and (f) of Article 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR. The processing is based on an implied consent and our legitimate interests. Our legitimate interests result from the described purposes of the collection of your data. If the business relationship specifically aims at concluding a contract, the additional legal basis for the processing is point (b) of Article 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR.

2.1.4 Duration of storage

We store your personal data for the duration of our business relationship or as required by statutory retention periods.


2.2 Use of our website

2.2.1 Description and scope of the data processing

Whenever you access our website, our systems automatically collect data and information about the computer system of the accessing computer (personal data which your browser transmits to our server). This also happens if you do not register or otherwise transmit information by active inputs. The following data are always collected when you access our website:

    • your IP address
    • date and time of the request or access
    • time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
    • content of the request (specific page)
    • access status/HTTP status code
    • quantity of data sent in each case
    • requesting website (source/link from which your system accesses our website)
    • website accessed by your system via our website
    • information about the browser type and the version used
    • operating system and its user interface
    • language and version of the browser software.

These data are stored in the log files of our system. They are regularly not stored together with any other of your personal data.

2.2.2 Purposes of the data processing

The above data, in particular the IP address, are only stored by our systems temporarily for the duration of the session and this storage is required to permit a proper operation and display of the website. This processing of your data also serves the purposes of evaluating and maintaining the system security and system stability and other administrative purposes.

To the extent your data are stored in our log files, this only occurs for reasons aimed at ensuring the functionality of our website. The data also serve us to optimize and ensure the security of our IT systems.

No interpretation of the data for marketing purposes occurs in this connection.

2.2.3 Legal basis for the data processing

The legal basis for the processing and temporary storage of your personal data is point (f) of Article 6(1), sentence 1 GDPR. Our legitimate interests result from the described purposes of the collection of your data.

2.2.4 Duration of storage

Your data are erased as soon as they are no longer required for attaining the purpose for which they were collected. Where your data are collected to display the website, they are erased at the end of the respective session.

Your data stored in log files are erased after seven days at the latest. Any longer storage only occurs in exceptional cases e.g. if required for technical reasons or to improve our systems. In this case, your IP addresses are erased or distorted so that no allocation to you is possible any more.

2.2.5 Objection and removal options

As the collection of your data and the storage of the data in log files are essential for providing the website and the website operation, you do not have any option to object.


2.3 Contact forms, email contact, opening of a customer account

2.3.1 Description and scope of the data processing

Our website includes contact forms which you can use to contact us. When you use a contact form, the data entered in the input form are transmitted to us and stored, including but not limited to:

    • company name, first names, family names, email address.

In addition, your IP address and the date and time of your inquiry are stored. As part of the sending procedure, your consent to our processing of the data is requested with reference to this privacy statement.

In addition, you can contact us via email addresses provided. In this case, we store and process your personal data transmitted with your email message in particular to respond to your inquiry or address the reason why you contacted us.

We do not pass on these data to any third parties. The data are exclusively used for the processing of the conversation.

You can use the “customer satisfaction form” to tell us how satisfied you are with the services offered. In this case, we store and process the transmitted personal data in particular for the purpose of interpreting your information.

You also have the possibility to open a customer account.

2.3.2 Purposes of the data processing

The processing of the personal data entered in the input form or transmitted with an email message sent to us only serves to process your contacting us. In case of a contact per email, this constitutes the required legitimate interest in our processing of the data. The other personal data processed during the sending process serve to prevent an abuse of the contact form and to ensure the security of our IT systems.

If you have decided to open a customer account, we use your personal data for the purpose of creating your customer account.

2.3.3 Legal basis for the data processing

The legal basis for the processing of your data when you use the contact form is your consent according to point (a) of Article 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR.

The legal basis for the processing of the data transmitted with an email message to us are points (a) and point (f) of Article 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR. The processing is based on an implied consent and our legitimate interests. If the email contact aims at the conclusion of a contract, the additional legal basis for the processing is point (b) of Article 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR.

The legal basis for the processing of your data for the creation of a customer account is your consent according to point (a) of Article 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR.

2.3.4 Duration of storage

We erase your data as soon as we do not require them any longer for attaining the stated purposes. For the personal data entered in the input form of the contact form and personal data transmitted with an email message, this is the case when the related conversation with you is finished. As a rule, the conversation is finished when the circumstances indicate that the reason for your contacting us has been finally settled.

The personal data additionally collected during the sending procedure are erased after the expiry of seven days at the latest.

Personal data collected for the creation of the customer account are erased when the contract has been fully performed or your customer account has been deleted. Your data are restricted for further processing and are erased upon the expiry of the retention periods defined under fiscal or commercial law unless you have explicitly consented to a further use of your data or we have reserved the right to a further use of the data which is lawful and about which we inform you with this privacy statement. The deletion of your customer account is possible at any time and can be made either by sending a message to the contact option described below or by using a function provided for that purpose in the customer account.

2.3.5 Objection and removal options

You can always revoke your consent to the processing of the personal data. If you contact us per email, you can object to the storage of your personal data at any time. In this case, however, it may not be possible to continue the conversation with you. All personal data that were stored as part of your contacting us are erased in this case.


2.4 Orders via our online shop (“Online-Shop”)

2.4.1 Description and scope of the data processing

A registration with our Online-Shop for the purchase of our products through our online sales service is only possible for commercial customers. For the registration, we also request you to provide personal data (name, email address, postal address, phone number). However, for activating our Online-Shop functions, we always still contact you directly. The personal data you provide to us in this context are used internally by the departments concerned with processing your inquiries and orders.

Your data may be merged and stored with data from other orders you place with us through other ordering channels (fax, letter, phone, etc.).

2.4.2 Purposes of the data processing

We process your personal data for the purposes as required to accomplish the business relationship between you and us.

Your personal data you provide us with for the use of our Online-Shop are processed by us to handle your individual inquiries and orders, e.g. for the purposes indicated below:

    • verification of your access authorization
    • your use of the shopping cart
    • determination of your individual prices
    • internal processing of your order
    • delivery of the ordered articles
    • payment transactions
    • marketing activities.

Where required, we also avail ourselves of the help of service providers (e.g. logistics service providers for the shipment of the products ordered by you, banks for the handling of payments). We will only pass on your data to such third parties to the extent necessary for the performance of these tasks. All third parties receiving personal data about our customers have been obligated to comply with the privacy regulations. Our legitimate interest in using external service providers such as logistics service providers for the shipment of the articles ordered by you is to provide our services as efficiently and effectively and hence as quickly and as economically for you as possible.

We reserve the right to pass on your personal data to external service providers for the performance of a credit assessment. From these credit agencies, we receive information about your payment history and credit ratings. These data allow us to evaluate our customer relationship and are used by us in the decision about a supply and for our protection against payment defaults. This also constitutes our legitimate interest.

2.4.3 Legal basis for the data processing

Legal basis for the processing is the conclusion and performance of the contract for the sale and purchase of the ordered articles according to points (b) and (f) of Article 6(1) GDPR.

2.4.4 Duration of storage

These data are erased when they are no longer needed for the performance of the contract (including after-sales service and warranty) unless we are legally obliged to their storage e.g. because of retention obligations under commercial or fiscal law.


2.5 Electronic newsletter

2.5.1 Description and scope of the data processing

If you subscribe to our electronic newsletter, we process the following of your personal data for its mailing:

    • form of address, first names, family names, company name, country, email address
    • interests in specific services.

For the mailing of the electronic newsletter, the indication of an email address is mandatory. The provision of other data is voluntary. We process such other data to personalize the contact and customize our offers and information.

2.5.2 Purposes of the data processing

We process your email address in order to contact you for the purpose of mailing you our electronic newsletter, informing you about current events and possibly current developments, and maintaining our contractual relationship with you. We also use these data for promotional communications per email and, if we have obtained your email address in connection with our products and services, for the promotion of similar products and services of our company.

2.5.3 Legal basis for the data processing

We always obtain your explicit consent to mailing you our newsletter. To this end, we use a double opt-in process. In this process, we send you an email to the email address you indicated in your registration for our newsletter. In this email, we request your confirmation that you desire the mailing of the newsletter. If you do not confirm the registration within 48 hours, your information is blocked and automatically erased after one month. In addition, we store the IP addresses you use and the times of registration and confirmation. The purpose of this process is to furnish evidence of your registration and be able to resolve a potential abuse of your personal data.

Where we, in exceptional cases only, do not process your data based on your explicit consent, your personal data are only processed as necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or your fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection of personal data (point (f) of Article 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR).

2.5.4 Duration of storage

We erase your data as soon as we do not require them any longer for attaining the stated purposes. We store your personal data for advertising and information purposes, i.e. the mailing of information and offers for services for a period of no longer than one year after the last relevant contact with you. A relevant contact exists e.g. in case of an oral, telephone or mutual written communication between us.

2.5.5 Objection and removal option

You can always revoke your consent and thus unsubscribe to the receipt of information about current and future products, services or other information about us. This revocation may by declared by clicking the link provided in each newsletter email, by sending an email message to [email protected] or by sending a message to our stated contacts. If you object to the use of your data, we will no longer mail you any advertising communications.


2.6 General information about the use of cookies

When you visit and use our website, cookies are stored on your computer. Cookies are text files stored in and/or by the Internet browser on your computer system. Whenever you visit a website, a cookie may be stored in your operating system. The cookie includes a distinguishing string of characters which permits a clear identification of the browser during the next visit of that website.

Some cookies are essential, meaning they are technically necessary for the operation of our website. Other cookies are used for statistical purposes and/or the analysis of the visits of our website or for marketing purposes or to enable us to offer you the use of external media. Both temporary session cookies and persistent cookies stored for a longer period are used. Temporary cookies are erased as soon as you close your browser. Persistent cookies remain on your computer for a longer period but can always be deleted manually. Some cookies are set by third parties.

Legal basis for the data processing in case of the use of essential cookies is point (f) of Article 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR; for the use of all other cookies, the legal basis for the data processing is your consent according to point (a) of Article 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR. Where we do not process your data based on your explicit consent, your personal data are only processed as necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or your fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection of personal data.

In addition to the information included in this privacy statement, you can find further detailed information about the use of the respective cookies, in particular about their purpose, their respective lifetime and the extent to which they were set by third parties or third parties have access to the data collected by the cookies, in the Cookie Settings page.

You can separately agree to the use of each of the respective cookie categories. You can change your given consent at any time on the Cookie Settings page or inform us of your revocation of your consent by using the contact form.

2.7 Matomo Analytics

2.7.1 Description and scope of the data processing

This website uses Matomo Analytics as a web analytics platform (“Matomo”). Matomo uses cookies that permit an analysis of how you use our website. The information generated by the respective cookie about your use of this website is transmitted to and stored on one of our server. We have activated a 2-byte(s) IP anonymization on this website. Your IP address is previously truncated to two digits. We use this information to evaluate your use of the website, compile reports about website activities, and provide further services related to the website and Internet usage.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by making corresponding settings in your browser software; please note, however, that in this case you might not be able to fully use all functions offered by this website. You can also prevent the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) from being collected and processed by unchecking the box available at the following link:

On this website, Matomo is used with an IP anonymization. IP addresses are truncated before further processing and a personal identification can be excluded. Where the data collected about you include a personal reference, this is immediately eliminated and the personal data are hence immediately erased.

2.7.2 Purpose of the data processing

We use Matomo to enable us to analyze and continously improve our website. The generated statistics allow us to improve our offer and make it more interesting to you.

2.7.3 Legal basis for the data processing

Legal basis for the processing of your data is the consent granted by you according to point (a) of Article 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR.

2.7.4 Further information

You can find further information on the purpose and scope of the collection and processing of data as well as further information on your related rights and setting options to protect your privacy by clicking the following link:


2.8 External links

Where our web pages contain links to pages of other suppliers or partners, our privacy statement does not apply to their contents. We do not have any influence on the compliance of these third-party suppliers with the statutory data protection regulations. You can find information about the data protection of the operators of those websites on the respective web pages.


3. Passing on of your data to third parties

We do not pass on any personal data to companies, organizations or persons outside our own company except in any of the following circumstances:


3.1 With your consent

We pass on personal data to third-party companies, organizations or persons outside our company if you have given us your explicit consent to do so.


3.2 Processing by other bodies

We may make your personal data available to our third-party business partners, other trustworthy companies or other persons that process these data on our behalf. This is always performed on the basis of our instructions and in compliance with our privacy statement and other appropriate safeguards to ensure confidentiality and security.


3.3 For legal reasons

We pass on your personal data to companies, organizations or persons outside our company if we can fairly assume that access to these data or their use, retention or disclosure is reasonably necessary in particular to comply with applicable laws, regulations or legal procedure or to comply with an enforceable order by a public authority.


4. Transfer of your data to a third country or international organization

To be able to offer you our products and services based on our contractual obligations or our legitimate interests, we may have to pass on your personal data to third parties within or outside the RENK group of companies. Such recipients fall into the following categories:

IT service providers

In this context, it may happen that personal data are transferred to third countries or international organizations. For your protection and the protection of your personal data in case of such data transfers, appropriate guarantees in accordance with the statutory conditions are in place or the European Commission has taken a related adequacy decision (Article 45 GDPR).

Information on the EU standard contractual clauses can be found here.

The European Commission provides relevant information about its adequacy decisions here.

You can also request a copy of the implemented safeguards by using our contact form.

In addition, we are legally obliged to make personal data available to German and international agencies; cf. point (c) of Article 6 (1) GDPR) in conjunction with local and international regulations and agreements.

Unless expressly stated otherwise in this privacy statement, your personal data are not transferred to third countries or international organizations.


5. Automated decision-making

There is no automated decision-making.


6. YouTube

6.1 Description and scope of the data processing

Our website uses plugins of the video portal YouTube. We have implemented YouTube videos stored on or and directly playable from our website.
We have implemented the so-called two-click-solution. When you visit one of our web pages that contains a YouTube plugin, personal data will not be passed on to the provider of the plugin or any third party. Only after you have clicked on the marked field and thereby activated the plugin, a connection to the plugin provider is established. In this process, YouTube is told which of our pages you have visited. YouTube also receives the data which is compiled when our website is visited. Since the plugin provider uses cookies for purposes of data collection, we recommend to check the cookie settings in the security settings of the browser and to delete all cookies before clicking on the plugin provider’s button.
Please note this even happens if you are not logged into the plugin provider and/or do not have an account with it.
If you are logged into YouTube with your account, your collected data will be allocated to your account. If you use the activated plugin buttons and for example link the website, the plugin provider will store this information to your account and may publicly notify your contacts about it.


6.2 Purposes of the data processing

We process your personal data to the plugin provider in order to simplify the usage of the plugin provider’s service websites. By implementing the plugins we offer you the opportunity to interact with social media networks and other users enabling us to improve our services and the user experience.

6.3 Legal basis

The legal basis for the processing of your data is (i) your given consent according to point (a) of Article 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR and/or (ii) the legitimate interests pursued by us according to point (f) of Article 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR, as applicable; our legitimate interests result from the aforementioned purposes.

6.4 Duration of storage, right to reject and removal (Google / Alphabet corporate group)

We have influence neither on the collected data and data-processing operations nor are we aware of the full extent of the data collection, the purposes of the processing and the periods of retention of the data. Furthermore, we have no information about the deletion of the processed data. YouTube may store the processed data as user profiles and uses it for the purposes of advertising, market-research and personalized design of its websites. Such evaluation is performed particularly for the purposes of personalized advertising and in order to inform other users of the social media platform about your activity on our website. You have the right to object to the creation of this personal user profile; however, you have to contact YouTube directly. To learn more about the purpose and scope of the data processing by YouTube please read the provider’s privacy statement. There you will also find further information concerning the rights and settings options available to protect your privacy.


6.5 Address of the provider and URL with its privacy statement

Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; further information about the processing of data: Google has submitted to the use of standard contractual clauses of the European Commission. Please note that the USA are no secure third country within the meaning of EU data protection law. The European Commission could not establish that the USA ensure an adequate level of protection for personal data comparable with those of EU data protection law. Hence, the European Commission could not confirm a suitable level of data protection based on an adequacy decision according to Article 45 GDPR. US entities are obligated to disclose personal data to US security agencies without a possibility to take legal action against it by the affected person. Therefore, it cannot be excluded that US authorities (for example intelligence services) process, store and evaluate the data stored on US servers for purposes of surveillance. We have no influence on the processing of such data. The standard contractual clauses of the European Commission used by Google may therefore be inappropriate safeguards in the sense of point (a) of Article 46(2) GDPR. By consenting to the processing of data by Google Ads, you explicitly accept the data transfer as specified above, having been informed about the potential risks of such transfer in the absence of an adequacy decision.


7. Your rights

    • According to Article 15 GDPR, you have the right to obtain information about your personal data processed by us. In particular, you have the right to obtain information about the purposes of the processing, the category of personal data concerned, the categories of recipients to whom your data have been or will be disclosed, the envisaged period for which your data will be stored, the existence of your right to request rectification, erasure, or restriction of processing, of your right to object to such processing, of your right to lodge a complaint, of your right to be informed about the source of your data if not collected from you by us and about the existence of automated decision-making including profiling and, where applicable, of your right to obtain meaningful information about related details.
    • According to Article 16 GDPR, you have the right to obtain without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate and/or the completion of incomplete personal data about you stored with us.
    • According to Article 17 GDPR, you have the right to obtain the erasure of your personal data stored with us, except where the processing is necessary for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information, for compliance with a legal obligation, for reasons of public interest, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
    • According to Article 18 GDPR, you have the right to obtain restriction of processing of your personal data if you have contested their accuracy, if the processing is unlawful but you oppose the erasure because you require your data to establish, exercise or defend legal claims after we no longer need these data, or if you have objected to the processing according to Article 21 GDPR.
    • According to Article 20 GDPR, you have the right to receive your personal data you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or to request transmission to another controller.
    • According to Article 7(3) GDPR, you have the right to withdraw at any time your previously given consent (see also Article 7.1). In the event of such withdrawal, we must not continue any data processing previously based on your consent.
    • According to Article 77 GDPR you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. As a rule, this will be the supervisory authority responsible at your habitual residence, your place of work or the registered office of our company.


8. Objection to or withdrawal of consent to the processing of your data

If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you have the right according to Article 7(3) GDPR to withdraw this consent at any time. Any such withdrawal concerns the permissibility of the processing of your personal data with effect for the future after you have indicated this withdrawal to us.

If we process your personal data on the basis of a weighing of interests within the meaning of point (f) Article 6(1) sentence 1 GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing as specified by Article 21 GDPR. This is in particular the case if processing is no longer necessary for the performance of a contract with you, which we show in the description of each of the individual functions. When you exercise this right to object we ask you to describe the reasons why we should not process your personal data as we have done so far. If your objection is justified, we examine the matter and either discontinue or adapt the data processing or we demonstrate to you our compelling legitimate grounds for our continued processing.

Of course you can always object to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of advertising and data analysis. You can inform us about your objection to advertising using the contact data stated above.