Gear Coupling basic series LBk size 80 - 125 (finished bore)

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Material number (ID)p_bogenzahn_kupplung_LBK_fertiggebohrt_80-125

Gear-couplings from the drive specialist RENK.

The large number of variants and series gives you a wide range of options when designing the shaft connection.

The SB, SBk and LBk gear-coupling series stand out due to their long service life combined with high power density. The lubrication can be effected either by means of oil or grease lubrication, depending on the series. The shaft connection is torsionally rigid and transmits the torque as a positive connection with simultaneous compensation of axial, radial and angular shaft misalignments.

Basic series LBk

The basic LBk series has a split housing with integrated covers and is therefore particularly compact. A maximum misalignment of ± 0.75° per coupling half is possible. The coupling is lubricated with grease.


Coupling Torque: 480 to189.000 Nm
Construction: Basic design with integrated covers
Coupling material: Quenched and tempered steel or special material


Finished bore size ranges of Gear-couplings series LBk:

Coupling size Hub 1 (in mm) Hub 2 (in mm)
32 12 - 37 12 - 37
38 12 - 46 12 - 46
48 22 - 59 22 - 59
60 22 - 69 22 - 69
70 28 - 85 28 - 85
80 28 - 98 28 - 98
90 32 - 110 32 - 110
100 32 - 123 32 - 123
110 55 - 135 55 - 135
125 65 - 150 65 - 150
140 75 - 170 75 - 170
160 85 - 195 85 - 195
180 120 - 220 120 - 220
200 140 - 245 140 - 245
225 160 - 275 160 - 275